High Mast Area Lights
Click here http://www.highmast.u-tron.com/ to view more information in Chinese.
(this product is not sold outside China due to its complexity in transport and installation . However, we welcome inquiries to jointly market in other parts of the world. Please email to raja@u-tron.com)
U-Tron CarLEDs Area lights on the high mast are now lighting up the G1 Highway in the northern China Hebei segment Service Centers.
Date Announced: 09 Jul 2013 Beijing, China.
–Beijing based leading LED lighting manufacture and high-tech Company U-Tron (Beijing) Electronics Co. Ltd., announced today that it has completed its first 30 Meters High Mast Pole lights in Fengrun, Hebei Service Center on the G1 Freeway connecting Beijing and Harbin.
For more information please call 010-65682990.